Name, Area of Activity and Seat
Objectives and Forms of Activities
Membership Conditions
The Employers' Association was set up pursuant to the change of the economic system in Poland after 1989 and also as a reaction to the deteriorating financial standing of domestic companies in the automotive sector. On the onset of 90-ties the Polish automotive sector was characterised by:
- both domestic and foreign (especially former COMECON) markets were shrinking rapidly,
- industry was subject to tough free market environment and foreign companies had free access to the Polish market,
- Polish companies had no capabilities to adapt swiftly to new environment (product competitiveness, marketing, finances), Government industrial policy did not exist.
Given the above circumstances a group of twelve MANAGERS of the automotive sector, being HEADS of finished goods and subcontractors' plants, decided to set up employers' association. The major objective of the association was to protect global interests of the industry and associated members and to stimulate adaptation processes to the market economy.
On November 12, 1992 the Founders' Meeting of Domestic Employers of the Automotive Industry Producers made the following resolutions:
- on adopting the Statutes,
- on setting up 12-person Founding Committee for the Association, which consisted of:
Krzysztof Rozenberg - ZS JELCZ,
Andrzej Krzanowski - SFA Sanok,
Jerzy Boron - FSS Kielce,
Witold Celebanski - ZS STAR Starachowice,
Adam Dobielinski - FSR Poznan,
Tadeusz Jasinski - ZEM Swidnica,
Jerzy Kujawa - FOS Lodz,
Jozef Lewandowski - ZEM Kwidzyn,
Zbigniew Prus - FS Lublin,
Andrzej Tyszkiewicz - FSO Warszawa,
Antoni Wojniak - WSW Andrychow,
Tadeusz Zaplata - FMS Szczecin,
- to authorise Zbigniew Prus, Krzysztof Rozenberg and Andrzej Tyszkiewicz to represent the Founders of the Association during the registration process of the Association.
On December 21, 1992 the Association was entered under No ZP 25, Section A into the employers' association register, kept by Provincial Court in Warsaw, 7th Civil and Registration Department. The Association operates under the Employers' Organisation Act of May 23, 1991 (Dziennik Ustaw No 55, item 235) and under Association Statutes.
Name, Area of Activity and Seat
In October 1994 the General Meeting of Members replaced the previous name of the Association with "Automotive Industry Employers' Association".
The operational area of the Association is the territory of the Republic of Poland.
The seat is located in Warsaw, 34 Targowa St. room 62, phone +4822 618 47 33, fax +4822 618 49 05.
Objectives and Forms of Activities
Major statutory task of the Association is to protect rights and to represent interests of the associated Members vis-a-vis employee trade unions, authorities as well as central and local government bodies.
The Association pursues the following long-term, strategic goals:
- efficient performance of statutory duties,
- integration of the Association Members on partnership footing,
- enhancement and acceleration of adaptation processes to new market environment.
The above goals are pursued by:
- Management Board of the Association in the management areas allocated to the individual Members of the Management Board,
- Members of the Association, especially during meetings and periodic training/integration meetings of all Members,
- Association Office, Industry Specific Teams and Work Groups, being a part of the management structure.
To meet its statutory goals the Association is allowed to run economic activities, set up foundations and funds and to get involved in other economic undertakings.
The Association funds its activities through membership fees.
Membership Conditions
According to the Statutes and adopted development strategy of the Association:
Member of the Association may include a domestic natural person or domestic organisation, which aims at running business activities in the automotive industry, employs, at least, 100 workers, has its corporate seat or a plant within Association operational area.
Automotive industry in the understanding of the Statutes is the activity comprising manufacturing and sales of automotive industry products, activities of design offices and R&D facilities working to meet motorization requirements.
Membership in the Association is voluntary and does not limit the independence of Member's activities, however, the Member of the Association may not belong to any other nation-wide industry employers' association. The above restriction does not apply to parallel membership of the Association Members in regional employers' associations.